Forms builder - ResMed-Master

Design requirements

The forms builder is dedicated to the design creation of the form that does not have to be done on the CRM platform anymore. The forms builder allows a large number of colors, designs, and displays for your form to perform better from a digital marketing perspective.

Forms builder component

  • Hyphen: two new icons can be used above the title, the registration icon – with a sheet and a pen – and the email icon – with an envelop.
  • Title: this field will introduce the form and invite your visitor to register, so the shorter and clearer, the better. The H2 title for the form builder offers the possibility of displaying a bolder font or a regular one depending on your need. The title can be placed on the left, center, or right of the form text area.
  • Text: the text under the title is to be used to give additional claims to convince the visitor to register for your campaign. It needs to be short, straightforward, and without any additional assets within the text.

Forms builder design fields

Form integration

  • Integrated: the form area will be displayed with a background using the full side of the component.
  • Card: the form area will be displayed inside of a card adapted to the form length.

Grid template: 4 designs are available with 4 different displays. Except for the 100% grid setup, text and form position can be switched to be displayed on the right or the left.

  • 100%: the form will use the full width of the component and will be displayed at the center below the title and text.
  • 50/50: the form or text will be displayed on 50% of the component width.
  • 1/3 – 2/3: the form or text will be displayed on 2/3 of the component width.
  • 2/3 – 1/3: the form or text will be displayed on 2/3 of the component width.


  • Background colors (global): use this setup to choose the ResMed color that you want as a background.
  • Background colors (forms): use this setup to choose the form background color. For the card design, you can also modulate the background opacity.
  • Form part, text color: use this setup to choose the font color black or white of the text in the form area depending on your background opacity.

Asset requirements
An asset can be added as a background on the full width of the component.

  • Size: 2100 x 1400 px
  • Weigh: < 250 ko
  • Format: webp


The mobile view will reduce your background image to the left, center, or right side of your asset. The form will always be displayed below the text and title. The other form functionalities will remain the same.

Form tab

  • Channel: this field will allow you to sort your visitors by audience. When your form component is used for two audiences, you can tick ‘B2B’ or ‘B2C’ to enable the sort of visitor and display the form tailored for the chosen audience. If your form component is dedicated to only one audience or any audience, you can tick ‘General audience’.
  • Form object: this field will allow you to sort your visitors by topic of interest. If you only plan to add one form without any specific topic choice, choose the ‘Form to display’ on the list and leave the ‘Object label’ field empty. If you need to add several forms depending on your visitor interest, fill in the ‘Object label’, for example with ‘Sleep apnea’, and select the form needed from the ‘Form to display’ list.

Translations tab

  • Channel title: this field will display the text above the audience choice, for example, ‘I am’ before choosing between patient or professional.
  • Object title: this field will display the text above the topic choice, for example, ‘Topic of interest’ before choosing between sleep apnea or respiratory care.

CMS functionalities

To add a form to a page, you have to integrate a Forms builder component on the chosen page. To create a form, you have to add a new item the Forms builder plugin in the back office.

To make the data treatment easier with the CRM team, the forms builder created in the plugin have a common naming between the CRM platform and the plugin.

Depending on the chosen CRM, you can choose to enable DotDigital or Salesforce integration in each tab available.

All field will now have standard wordings for an easier user pathway, so the data wanted for the new form or campaign need to be shared with the digital team before new content creation.

In the field list tab, you can set up all the translated text that will be used on the form, including the field names, the error messages if a mandatory field is not completed and the mandatory privacy message that will automatically be displayed in italic with a smaller font above the ‘Submit’ message.

To set up a ‘thank you message’ that will be visible after the form submission, you can edit the result page field and add a button with the CTA builder in the dedicated tab of the BO forms builder.

Be careful to properly fulfill the unsubscribed message field to allow visitor that previously leaves ResMed database to come back and properly receive emails again.

Card 100%

The introduction text is displayed above the form for the 100% design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

Choose your audience
Choose your topic

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Card 50/50

The introduction text is displayed to the side of the form for this design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Card 1/3 – 2/3

The introduction text is displayed to the side of the form for this design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

You are:

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Card 2/3 – 1/3

The introduction text is displayed to the side of the form for this design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Integrated 100%

The introduction text is displayed above the form for the 100% design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

Choose your audience
Choose your topic

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Integrated 50/50

The introduction text is displayed to the side of the form for this design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Integrated 1/3 – 2/3

The introduction text is displayed to the side of the form for this design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

You are:

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.

Integrated 2/3 – 1/3

The introduction text is displayed to the side of the form for this design to introduce the form goal and share claims to invite the visitor to register.

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

Error message if the a mandatory field is left empty

This area is to be used to display additional information to the form – address, opening hours, … or share the mandatory message regarding data treatment and privacy notice.