Explore information on Air11 resources | ResMed

Air11 resources

Dive deeper into the Air11™ device platform’s extensive features and software capabilities in the information we’ve provided below.

Please refer to the user guides for relevant information related to any contraindications, warnings and precautions to be considered before and during use of the products.

*Care Check-In is available on the myAir app if you use Bluetooth to connect the app to your AirSense 11 device. myAir is compatible with ResMed AirSense 10 and 11 devices and AirCurve 10 devices with built-in wireless connectivity. myAir is not available in all countries. Some features of myAir are only available in the myAir app. Some features of the myAir app are exclusive to Air11 device users.

**Patient consent required to share Care Check-In data.

Content last updated: 05/2024.